2/27/18 – Eph 6:11, The Angelic Conflict, Pt. 22, The Enemy, Pt. 19,
The Antichrist & False Prophet Conclusion. Lesson #18-023
Grace Fellowship
Jim Rickard
Stand in Warfare –
Eph 6:10-20.
Outline of Eph
6 :10-24
1. The Empowerment, vs. 10.
2. The Enemy, vs. 11-12.
3. The Equipment, vs. 13-17.
4. The Energy, vs. 18-20.
5. The Encouragement, vs. 21-24.
1. The Empowerment, vs. 10.
2. The Enemy, vs. 11-12.
3. The Equipment, vs. 13-17.
4. The Energy, vs. 18-20.
5. The Encouragement, vs. 21-24.
2. The Enemy, vs. 11-12 - The Beast and The False Prophet, Rev 13, (continued).
The Second
Beast, the False Prophet, Rev 13:11-18.
Eph 6:11-12; Rev 13:11-18; 19:17-21; Deut 31:6, 8; 1 Peter 5:7
Below are several various views to what the “Mark of the Beast”
Preterist’s believe that some or all prophecy in Revelation are
events that have already happened. They wrongly believe that Ancient Israel
finds its continuation or fulfillment in the Christian church at the
destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Roman Catholicism has been a main proponent
of this view, and some Protestants also accept this view.
A common preterist view of the Mark of the Beast (focusing on the
past) is the stamped image of the emperor’s head on every coin of the Roman
Empire: the stamp on the hand or in the mind of all, without which no one could
buy or sell. NT scholar Craig C. Hill says, “It
is far more probable that the mark symbolizes the all-embracing economic power
of Rome, whose very coinage bore the emperor’s image and conveyed his claims to
divinity (e.g., by including the sun’s rays in the ruler’s portrait). It had
become increasingly difficult for Christians to function in a world in which
public life, including the economic life of the trade guilds, required
participation in idolatry." (In God’s Time; The Bible and the Future.)
Adela Yarbro Collins further denotes that, “The refusal to use Roman coins resulted in the condition where ‘no man
might buy or sell’,” Rev13:17.
(Cosmology and Eschatology in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism.)
A similar view is offered by Craig R. Koester, “As sales were made, people used coins that
bore the images of Rome’s gods and emperors. Thus each transaction that used
such coins was a reminder that people were advancing themselves economically by
relying on political powers that did not recognize the true God.”
(Revelation and the End of All Things.)
This is held up by the fact that in 66 A.D., when Nero was
emperor, shortly before Revelation was written, the Jews revolted against Rome
and coined their own money.
The passage is also seen as an antithetical parallelism to the
Jewish institution of Tefillin, (phylacteries), where Hebrew Bible texts worn
bound to the arm and the forehead during daily prayer. Instead of binding their
allegiance to God to their arm and head, the place is instead taken with
people’s allegiance to the Beast.
Idealism, also known as the allegorical or symbolic approach, is
an interpretation of the book of Revelation that sees the imagery of the book
as non-literal symbols.
This perspective on the number of the beast rejects GEMATRIA,
seeing the number not as a code to be broken, but a symbol to be understood.
Idealists would contend that because there are so many names that can come to
666 and that most systems require converting names to other languages or adding
titles when convenient, it has been impossible to come to a consensus. Given
that numbers are used figuratively throughout the book of Revelation, idealists
interpret this number figuratively as well. They think that because seven is a
number of completeness and is associated with the Divine that six is
incomplete. Therefore, the three sixes are “inherently incomplete.” As such,
the number only suggests that the Dragon and his beasts are completely
inadequate. Another suggestion is that this number represents an individual’s
incomplete or immature spiritual state.
Historicism is a method of interpretation of Biblical prophecies
that associates symbols with historical persons, nations, or events. It can result
in a view of progressive and continuous fulfillment of prophecy covering the
period from Biblical times to the Second Coming. Historicists believe
Revelation articulates a full range of the history of the Christian church,
from John’s day to the Second Coming of Christ. They believe John alludes to Dan 2:28; 45, Daniel’s vision chapter 2, to use symbols giving a
sequence of future events in history, from the Babylonian empire, through
Medo-Persian period, Greece, and Rome, continuing until the end of the current
civilization. This apocalyptic volume builds on Daniel’s approach focusing on
major points of Christian history:
- The
cross of Christ, Rev 5:6, 9, 12.
- The
Second Coming, Rev 14:14-16;
- The
1,000 years in heaven, Rev 20:4-6.
- The
third advent of Christ to earth along with His loyal followers and the
destruction of Satan and those who refused Christ, Rev 20:7-15.
- The
creation of a new heavens and a new earth where death, sorrow, and sin
cease and God dwells with His people, Rev
21:1-8, 22-27; 22:1-5.
For them, the book of Daniel is divided into two parts:
1. The historical narrative of the
captivity of Judah.
2. The prophecies pointing to both the
promised Messiah and the events of the end of the world. Attention to the text
of Revelation aids the student of Bible prophecy by showing how the Apostle
John and Jesus intended us to interpret Bible apocalyptic literature as found
in Daniel.
The typical historicist view of the Church of Christ spans several
periods of church history, each similar to the original church, as follows:
- The
age of Ephesus is the apostolic age.
- The
age of Smyrna is the persecution of the Church through AD 313.
- The
age of Pergamus is the compromised Church lasting until AD 500.
- The
age of Thyatira is the rise of the papacy to the Reformation.
- The
age of Sardis is the age of the Reformation.
- The
age of Philadelphia is the age of evangelism.
- The
age of Laodicea represents liberal churches in a "present day"
The historicist views of Rev
12-13 concern prophecies about the forces of evil viewed to have occurred
in the middle ages. The first beast of Revelation
13 (from the sea) is considered to be the pagan Rome and the Papacy or more
exclusively the latter. They have tried to pin the number 666 on the title
given to the Pope, “Vicarius Filii Dei,” (“Viceregent of the Son of God”),
using GEMATRIA. As such, rather than expecting a single Antichrist to rule the
earth during a future Tribulation period, Luther, John Calvin, and other Protestant reformers saw the Antichrist as
a present feature in the world of their time, fulfilled in the papacy. Those
who continue to hold this position today continue to see the current and future
Rome Papacy as the Antichrist.
View, Seventh-day Adventists:
The Seventh-day Adventists also take an historical view and
believe that the Mark of the Beast, but not the number 666, refers to a future,
universal, legally enforced Sunday-sacredness. “Those who reject God's memorial of creatorship—the Bible Sabbath—choosing
to worship and honor Sunday in the full knowledge that it is not God's
appointed day of worship, will receive the ‘mark of the beast’.” (Seventh-day
Adventists Believe. Ministerial Association, General Conference of Seventh-day
Adventists. 2005. p. 196).
Sunday Sabbath is purely a child of the Papacy. It is the mark of the beast.”
(Advent Review, Vol. I, No. 2, August, 1850).
View, Jehovah’s Witnesses:
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the beast identified by the
number 666 represents the world’s unified governments in opposition to God. The
beast is said to have “a human number” in that the represented governments are
of a human origin rather than spirit entities. The number 666 is said to
identify “gross shortcoming and failure in the eyes of Jehovah,” in contrast to
the number 7, which is seen as symbolizing perfection.
View, (of
which we believe):
Futurists, (i.e., focused on the future), believe that Revelation
addresses primarily the Second Coming of Christ and similar events at the end
times, Rev 1:7; 19:11-16; 22:11-12, except
for Rev 2-5; 12:1-5. A futurist view
of the Mark of the Beast is that the rise of a supranational currency, (e.g.,
the Euro or other non-material credit), could be a hallmark of the End Times
and that the mark of the beast will be a sign or symbol, on the forehead or
right hand, of the actual Antichrist.
According to the Futurist view, to overcome the world wide chaos
of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will use forced religious syncretism, (i.e. in
the name of counterterrorism and world economic stability), to enable the
creation of a new currency. The mark will be a requirement for all commerce and
it might actually be an object with the function of a credit card, such as RFID
microchip implants, or some other form of coded tattoo.
Muslim View, from
a Christian’s perspective:
For an alternative view of the Antichrist, False Prophet,
and Mark of the Beast from a Christian perspective in regard to the Muslim
world, see:
These are some current day views of which I do
not entirely endorse, especially since it is clear from Daniel and Revelation
that the Antichrist comes out of the Revived Roman Empire verses the Revived
Ottoman Empire.
And finally, some avoid the number 666 out of superstition.
Irrational fear of the number is called hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. This
word is derived from Ancient Greek roots HEXAKÓSIOI, ἑξακόσιοι, “six hundred,”
HEXÉKONTA, ἑξήκοντα, “sixty,” and HÉX, ἕξ, “six,” literally meaning, “fear of
six hundred sixty-six.” But as you know, we should never have any fears other than
the “fear of the Lord,” as we faith-rest in Him by casting all our cares upon
Him, Deut 31:6, 8; Joshua 1:5; Psa 55:22; Mat 6:25; Heb 13:5; 1
Peter 5:7.
Deut 31:6, “Be
strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with
you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”
Deut 31:8, “The LORD
is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or
forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
1 Peter 5:7, “Casting
all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”
Summary of the Career of the
False Prophet:
1. He is influential in religious
affairs, “two horns like a lamb,” Rev
2. He is motivated by Satan as the
first beast is, Rev 13:11.
3. He has a delegated authority,
“the power of the first beast,” Rev
4. He promotes the worship of the
first beast and compels the earth to worship the first beast as God, Rev 13:12.
5. His ministry is authenticated
by the signs and miracles which he does, counterfeiting Elijah that is to come,
Rev 13:13-14.
6. He is successful in deceiving
the unbelieving world, Rev 13:14.
7. The worship promoted is an
idolatrous worship, Rev 13:14-15.
8. He has the power of death to
compel men to worship the beast, Rev
9. He has authority in the
economic realm to control all commerce, Rev
10. He has a mark that will
establish allegiance to the Antichrist for those who live in that day, Rev 13:18.
Conclusion, Chapter 13.
Taken as a whole, Rev
13, is one of the great prophetic chapters of Scripture and is the only
passage which presents in any detail the two principal evil characters of the
Tribulation, (the last seven years of the Age of Israel), who form with Satan
an unholy, evil trinity. During the coming days of the Great Tribulation, Satan
will deceive the nations through the False Prophet into receiving the
Antichrist as their savior. Satan, the dragon, will give Antichrist and the
False Prophet his power, and the world will give allegiance to the Antichrist.
Here we see that the head of the revived Roman Empire, the first beast, the
Antichrist, will ultimately become the ruler of the entire world. Empowered and
led by Satan, he is Satan’s masterpiece and great counterfeit substitute for
Jesus Christ. It also tells us of the career of his primary aide, the one world
religious leader, the second beast, called the False Prophet, who supports the
Antichrist and establishes a one world religion to worship the Antichrist.
The general character of the great Tribulation, however, is
graphically portrayed in this chapter. It will be a time of absolute rule, and
Satan will have his way. The ultimate in false religion will sweep the entire
world in a manifestation of evil never before seen on the earth. The fact will
be demonstrated beyond question that man is not able to solve his own problems,
and only God can bring righteousness and peace to the earth. The present
attempts at unification of ecclesiastical and political power seem to be the
forerunner and preparation for this end-time situation.
In the
consummation of the Tribulation, Satan and his demons will influence the armies
of the nations to march to their doom at the war of Armageddon, Rev 16:13-16. Then, Jesus Christ will
throw both beasts into the Lake of Fire as part of the eradication of evil from
the world at that time, along with Satan into the Abyss, which will also usher
in the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ,
Rev 19:20-21; 20:1-3. During the Millennial kingdom, Satan will
be bound, but at the close of that period he will be released and will attempt
to lead the world in a final revolt against Christ’s kingdom. This is the Gog -
Magog war. After this unsuccessful attempt, Satan will be cast forever into the
lake of fire, Rev 20:7-10.
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