– Eph 6:11,
The Angelic Conflict, Pt. 19, T
he Enemy, Pt. 16,
The False Prophet,
Pt. 3.
Lesson #18-020
Fellowship Church
Jim Rickard
in Warfare – Eph 6:10-20.
Outline of Eph 6 :10-24
1. The Empowerment, vs. 10.
2. The Enemy, vs. 11-12.
3. The Equipment, vs. 13-17.
4. The Energy, vs. 18-20.
5. The Encouragement, vs. 21-24.
2. The Enemy, vs. 11-12
- The Beast and The False Prophet, Rev
13, (continued).
The Second Beast, the
False Prophet, Rev 13:11-18.
The deceptive miracles of the False Prophet cause the world to make and
worship the image of the Antichrist, vs.
13:13-14, “He
performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the
earth in the presence of men. 14And he deceives those who dwell on
the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the
presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to
the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life.”
vs. 14, we see the deceptive power
of the False Prophet to deceive the entire world and lead them into making an
image of the first beast, the Antichrist.
“Deceives” is the Verb PLANAO, πλανάω that means a variety of things
including, “lead astray, mislead, deceive, seduce, delude, err, or sin.” In
classical Greek, it was first used in a simple
geographical sense:
To lead someone on a journey astray so he does not arrive at his goal.
It also refers to a sheep that goes astray and is separated from its flock and
It later developed a figurative
sense of being led astray in matters of truth or wandering off the path of
correct moral conduct.
is used in the NT to refer to:
The nature of life apart from faith in Christ: 1 Peter 2:25, “You were continually straying like sheep.”
Christians who are carelessly inattentive to sound doctrine and so let
themselves be deceived, 1 Cor 6:9;
15:33; Gal 6:7.
Its predominant NT use, (over 20 times), it is the deliberate deception
practiced by Satan and false teachers to mislead the world and Christians about
Christ and God: Rev 12:9, “. . . Satan, who deceives
the whole world.”
goal of the False Prophet is to deceive the world, both believers and
unbelievers, into thinking that the Antichrist is the Christ and God.
He deceives by the “signs” he
performs, including as noted in vs. 13,
“making fire come down out of heaven.”
He is able to perform these signs and wonders not by his own power but by the
power given to him by Satan.
we noted above, this imitates the signs of Moses and Elijah and the two
witnesses of God of the Tribulation, Rev
11:1-14. Up to this time, the two witnesses have been ministering at the
temple in Jerusalem, but “the beast” will slay them and take over the temple.
When God raises the two witnesses from the dead and takes them to heaven, the
false prophet will answer that challenge by giving life to the image of “the
beast.” Not only will the image move, but it will speak, Rev 13:15!
verse also tells us he performs miracles “in
the presence of the first beast.” This means that the first beast, the
Antichrist is giving instruction and approval for the False Prophet to perform
them. This means the False Prophet will be performing miracles while the
Antichrist is standing by giving his approval, as the False Prophet will be
subservient to him, his puppet religious leader.
noted above, Jesus warned that false prophets and false Christs would arise, Mat 24:24.
24:24, “For
false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders,
so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.”
Antichrist and his False Prophet will be the climax of that kind of deception,
but the people will not realize the miracles of the False Prophet are deceptive
at first. On the basis of him wielding this power in the likeness of Elijah and
Moses, and the two witnesses, it makes an impression on the unbelievers of the
Tribulation described as “those that
dwell on the earth,” (in other words, “those of like mindedness, earthly,
or worldly thinking). As a result, the second beast urges them to make an image
of the first beast, just as the Israelites did when Moses was receiving the
Law, in the golden calf episode, where the Israelites fashioned and worshipped
the image of a god, while Moses was receiving the Law from God, Ex 32:1-4f; Deut 9:8; Psa 106:19-21; Acts
106:19-22, “They
made a calf in Horeb and worshiped a molten image. 20Thus they
exchanged their glory For the image of an ox that eats grass. 21They
forgot God their Savior, Who had done great things in Egypt. 22Wonders
in the land of Ham and awesome things by the Red Sea.”
“image” of the beast is referred to
three times in this chapter and mentioned seven more times in the book of Revelation, Rev 13:15; 14:9, 11; 15:2; 16:2;
19:20; 20:4. “Image” is the
Greek noun EIKON, εἰκών that
means, “image, likeness, form, an appearance or a representation.” It implies
the illumination of its inner core and essence.
the False Prophet is going to lead the people to make an image, (statue,
hologram, robot, etc.), in the likeness of the beast so that they worship it.
is another form of counterfeit to Jesus Christ God, as Jesus is the image of
God, 2 Cor 4:4; Col 1:15.
Cor 4:4, “In
whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that
they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is
the image of God.”
1:15, “He
is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.”
we noted above in vs. 4, when the
people worship the first beast or his image, they are worshipping Satan, Rev 13:4.
great deception of worshipping the image of the Antichrist is the culmination
of the apostasy of the world, Rom 1:18,
1:18, “For
the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.”
1:21-23, “For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give
thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart
was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible
God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and
four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
than worshipping a false image of God, people should become the image of God,
by reflecting the Christ-like nature in their lives, Rom 8:29; 2 Cor 3:18; Col 3:10.
8:29, “For
whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image
of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren.”
Cor 3:18, “But
we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are
being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the
Lord, the Spirit.”
3:10, “And
have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to
the image of the One who created him.
edict by the False Prophet will take place near the midpoint of the
Tribulation, most likely in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, Mat 24:15; 2 Thes 2:2-12; Cf. Dan 9:27; 11:31; 12:11.
24:15, “Therefore
when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel
the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand).”
9:27, “And
he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of
the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of
abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete
destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.”
11:31, “And
forces from him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with
the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the abomination of desolation.”
Thes 2:3-4, “Let
no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy
comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4who
opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so
that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.”
image is the center of the false worship and the focal point of the final state
of apostasy, the culmination of the idolatry which has been the false religion
of so many generations. This is a rendition of what the idol could look like in
the reign of the Antichrist.
“It is interesting to note that the
Lord Jesus did not permit anything connected with His physical appearance to
survive. But the likeness of the Antichrist will evidently be placed in the
temple at Jerusalem.” (Thru The Bible with J. Vernon McGee).
image also reminds us of the forerunner of the “abomination of desolation,”
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, whose name means, “God manifest.”
was a Hellenistic Greek king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death
in 164 BC. He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. His original name was
Mithradates (alternative form Mithridates) that means “given by the
deity Mithra.” He assumed the name Antiochus after he ascended the throne.
was the first Seleucid king to use divine epithets on coins as depicted below,
where the Greek reads, “King Antiochus, God Manifest, bearer of victory.”
Seleucids, like the Ptolemies before them, held a mild suzerainty over Judea:
they respected Jewish culture and protected Jewish institutions. This policy
was drastically reversed by Antiochus IV, resulting in harsh persecutions
around 168 BC and a revolt against his rule, the Maccabean revolt.
to the Maccabean revolt he ordered the worship of Zeus as the supreme god, 2 Mac 6:1-12, as he presented himself
as the earthly embodiment of Zeus, and he had the Olympian Temple of Zeus
Mac 6:1-2 (KJVApocrypha)
“1Not long after this the king sent an old man of Athens to compel
the Jews to depart from the laws of their fathers, and not to live after the
laws of God: 2And to pollute also the temple in Jerusalem, and to
call it the temple of Jupiter Olympius (Zeus);
and that in Garizim, of Jupiter the Defender of strangers, as they did desire
that dwelt in the place.”
Jupiter is the god of the sky and thunder and king
of the gods in ancient Roman religion and mythology. The Romans regarded
Jupiter as the equivalent of the Greek Zeus, the name means, “O Father
Mac 6:4-7 (KJVApocrypha)
“4For the temple was filled with riot and revelling by the Gentiles,
who dallied with harlots, and had to do with women within the circuit of the
holy places, and besides that brought in things that were not lawful. 5The
altar also was filled with profane things, which the law forbiddeth. 6Neither
was it lawful for a man to keep sabbath days or ancient fasts, or to profess
himself at all to be a Jew. 7And in the day of the king's birth
every month they were brought by bitter constraint to eat of the sacrifices;
and when the fast of Bacchus was kept, the Jews were compelled to go in
procession to Bacchus, carrying ivy.”
Mac 6:9 (KJVApocrypha)
“9And whoso would not conform themselves to the manners of the
Gentiles should be put to death. Then might a man have seen the present
Maccabees 1:54-61 (KJVApocrypha)
“54Now the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred forty
and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and
builded idol altars throughout the cities of Juda on every side; 59Now
the five and twentieth day of the month they did sacrifice upon the idol altar,
which was upon the altar of God.”
sources refer to him as HARASHA
הרשע, “the wicked.”
are more passages from the book of Maccabees describing the struggles they had
with Antiouchus IV.
Maccabees 1:20-23 (KJVApocrypha)
after that Antiochus had smitten Egypt, he returned again in the hundred forty
and third year, and went up against Israel and Jerusalem with a great
multitude, 21And entered proudly into the sanctuary, and took away the golden
altar, and the candlestick of light, and all the vessels thereof, 22And the
table of the shewbread, and the pouring vessels, and the vials. and the censers
of gold, and the veil, and the crown, and the golden ornaments that were before
the temple, all which he pulled off. 23He took also the silver and the gold,
and the precious vessels: also he took the hidden treasures which he found.”
Maccabees 1:29-31 (KJVApocrypha)
after two years fully expired the king sent his chief collector of tribute unto
the cities of Juda, who came unto Jerusalem with a great multitude, 30And spake
peaceable words unto them, but all was deceit: for when they had given him
credence, he fell suddenly upon the city, and smote it very sore, and destroyed
much people of Israel. 31And when he had taken the spoils of the city, he set
it on fire, and pulled down the houses and walls thereof on every side.”
Maccabees 1:41-43 (KJVApocrypha)
king Antiochus wrote to his whole kingdom, that all should be one people, 42And
every one should leave his laws: so all the heathen agreed according to the
commandment of the king. 43Yea, many also of the Israelites consented to his
religion, and sacrificed unto idols, and profaned the sabbath.”
Maccabees 1:44-49 (KJVApocrypha)
the king had sent letters by messengers unto Jerusalem and the cities of Juda
that they should follow the strange laws of the land, 45And forbid burnt
offerings, and sacrifice, and drink offerings, in the temple; and that they
should profane the sabbaths and festival days: 46And pollute the sanctuary and
holy people: 47Set up altars, and groves, and chapels of idols, and sacrifice
swine's flesh, and unclean beasts: 48That they should also leave their children
uncircumcised, and make their souls abominable with all manner of uncleanness
and profanation: 49To the end they might forget the law, and change all the
Maccabees 1:50-52 (KJVApocrypha)
whosoever would not do according to the commandment of the king, he said, he
should die. 51In the selfsame manner wrote he to his whole kingdom, and
appointed overseers over all the people, commanding the cities of Juda to
sacrifice, city by city. 52Then many of the people were gathered unto them, to
wit every one that forsook the law; and so they committed evils in the land;”
Maccabees 1:54-61 (KJVApocrypha)
the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred forty and fifth year,
they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol
altars throughout the cities of Juda on every side; 55And burnt incense at the
doors of their houses, and in the streets. 56And when they had rent in pieces
the books of the law which they found, they burnt them with fire. 57And
whosoever was found with any the book of the testament, or if any committed to
the law, the king's commandment was, that they should put him to death. 58Thus
did they by their authority unto the Israelites every month, to as many as were
found in the cities. 59Now the five and twentieth day of the month they did
sacrifice upon the idol altar, which was upon the altar of God. 60At which time
according to the commandment they put to death certain women, that had caused
their children to be circumcised. 61And they hanged the infants about their
necks, and rifled their houses, and slew them that had circumcised them.”
Maccabee (or Judas Maccabeus, also spelled Machabeus, or Maccabaeus, Hebrew: יהודה
המכבי (Yehudah ha-Makabi) was a Jewish priest and a son of the priest
Mattathias. He led the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire (167–160
BCE). The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, “Dedication,” commemorates the
restoration of Jewish worship at the temple in Jerusalem in 164 BC, after Judah
Maccabeus removed all of the statues depicting Greek gods and goddesses.
the people of the world during the Tribulation will accept the False Prophet’s
miracles as proof of the beast’s claims that he is a god, the real Christ, so
much so that he will talk the people into making an image of the beast and be
dedicated to the beast. It will probably be a giant robot, hologram, or maybe a
statue like the one Nebuchadnezzar had erected for the worship of himself, Dan
people will place the image of the beast (the Antichrist) in the temple to be
rebuilt in Jerusalem, Dan 9:27; Mat 24:15; 2 Thes 2:4, just as Antioch
Epiphanes set up the statue of Zeus in the Temple 300 years before Christ’s
First Advent. Thus, the image will become a focal point for the false worship
of the beast.
once again we have the description of the Antichrist as having the fatal wound,
“the one which had the wound by a sword and lived.” This is the third time it
is given in this chapter, cf. vs. 3, 12. It is being emphasized more so,
because it will be the greatest sign and wonder to deceive the people into
believing he is the Christ, the God of heaven and earth.
here is MACHAIRA, μάχαιρα, “a (small) sword, large knife.” This may allude to
warfare and rebellion. It may be an assassination attempt from someone within
his regime, as was common in ancient Rome. Nevertheless, he survives the mortal
wound which is then used as a sign that He is god or the Christ.
at the same time, this sign will be the greatest prophetical sign to the believers
of that day and the Jews that he is actually the antichrist, the beast out of
the sea, so that they are not deceived and do not follow and worship him.
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